Having survived another “apocalyptic” event hyped as the “End Times”, perhaps we can all settle down and get a groove on for the Winter Solstice Holidays.

2012 has been a hell of a year. We are building a new society in the crumbling shell of the Old Order as we scurry around about our business, attempting to avoid being crushed by the dying behemoths when they fall. And many fell pretty hard as the Fickle Finger of Fate gave each the nudge that precipitated their fall.

I’m no astrologer so I don’t know when the Age of Pisces ends and the Age of Aquarius actually begins, but the end of this Mayan Calendar seems like a good place to start celebrating the beginning of a new age of harmony, peace, and understanding where children can grow up with out fear of being blown out of their own desks in their classrooms.

We are tired of the increasingly painful decay of our social services and declining Quality of Life our nation experiences as a result of the insatiable greed of those who have more than enough wealth already. We choose to seek out quality wherever we can find it, and, not finding it in the increasingly dis-functional offerings of the purported Free Markets. We create it for ourselves wherever and how ever we can.

We are tired of bullies besmirching our scholars with their insults and dim-witted drivel. We will work to see teachers and educators restored to their rightful places of honor for their service that is so vital to the future of every American of an upcoming generation.

We are tired of laws that only apply to the poor, and now, the middle class, while the wealthy are exempt from enforcement and rarely punished with harsh sentences. We will work to implement better enforcements solutions than incarceration-for-profit would ever allow.

It is time for the Independents to claim it for their own.

The white is what makes the stars in the little field of blue on Old Glory.

White is what makes the bars along with the red and keeps the American flag from being a little patch of blue in the upper corner in a big old red rectangle.

Without the white there is no “Stars ‘n’ Stripes” just a little patch of blue in the upper corner in a big old red rectangle. Just like our present “buy-partisan” political arena.

Independents have a great opportunity coming up in the next couple years to make a significant difference in the political landscape of America unlike opportunities of the few past decades. Corporatists have taken over the political process and the middle class is getting eaten alive. People have no representation that is planning for the futures of all Americans, only representation for the wealthiest of all. “Buy-partisan” solutions are putting band-aids on broken arms while honest debate is shouted down in endless spin.

is time for the Independents to claim their color on the flag and form a coalition to give the voters sensible solutions to the problems facing the future generations of Americans who will be paying off the National debt this country has amassed in the past years. “Buy-partisan” decision making is bankrupting the Nation with reactive solutions while pro-active solutions are not only ignored but buried under spin. It is time for fresh changes in the political paradigm through Total Quality Management committed to Continuous Improvement in the Quality of Life for all Americans through team problem solving skills, honest statistical analysis, and adequate definition of problems before “solutions” are implemented.

The laws are being enforced entirely too selectively by people who were entrusted with the authority of the highest offices of this nation, criminalizing the lower and middle classes while allowing the highest to break whatever laws that interfere with their amassing more wealth.

Welcome to freedom fries! – – – – – 2006 is the Year of the Fire Dog.